
Main Entry: sub·ju·gate
Pronunciation: 's&b-ji-"gAt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -gat·ed; -gat·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin subjugatus, past participle of subjugare, from sub- + jugum yoke -- more at YOKE
Date: 15th century
1 : to bring under control and governance as a subject : CONQUER
2 : to make submissive : SUBDUE
- sub·ju·ga·tion /"s&b-ji-'gA-sh&n/ noun
- sub·ju·ga·tor /'s&b-ji-"gA-t&r/ noun 

1) The ultimate move in the process of trying to subjugate street
   demonstrators was made when the police, under direction of the
   man himself no doubt, publish photographs of suspected protestors
   in local newspapers.  

2) Wahai my fellow kaum melayu.  There are many ways we are
   subjugated physically and socially by the regime.  But,
   their success does not rely on those factors; rather they
   are doing whatever they want because they manage to
   subjugate our minds.