Untuk belajar bahasa asing dengan cara paling berkesan, terpaksalah kita menggunakan pendekatan yang paling efektif walaupun lebih susah. Kalau asyik merujuk kepada kamus dwibahasa, memang susahlah kita untuk mendapat nikmat sebenar bahasa yang kita pelajari itu samada kita nak belajar English, Arabic ataupun Chinese.


Main Entry: ac·count·abil·i·ty
Pronunciation: &-"kaun-t&-'bi-l&-tE
Function: noun
Date: 1794
: the quality or state of being accountable; especially : an 
obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for 
one's actions  
1) The question of local accountability must be raised when something goes wrong with the economy. We can't just take Soros accountable for everything instead of looking at the weaknesses of our economic fundamentals.
2) The principle of the accountability of the culprit in the Malaysian justice system has been seriously damaged when the rapist got off the hook and the person who tried to challenge the verdict instead got a jail term.